Tessa Venuti Sanderson
Parent Rep & Yoga Teacher
My name is Tessa Venuti Sanderson. I've lived in Caversham for 11 years. I'm a Yoga Teachers specialising in women's health and with a particular interest in pregnancy and birth preparation. I'm also a hypopressives teacher, which can support diastasis recti, prolapse, incontinence and core health. I train pregnancy yoga teachers through the Yoga Teachers Forum and organise the annual State of Birth online symposium.
I decided to join so that I could represent the hundreds of women who come to my classes who don't have the time or inclination to join the MNVP meetings. I think it's essential to have a range of professionals and service users at the table. From a personal perspective, I've found that it keeps me up-to-date with what's happening in maternity care.
I have a PhD in Medical Sociology and completed post-doctoral projects in a rheumatology department, which was renowned for patient involvement in research. Therefore I can read academic papers to inform my teaching and my involvement in the MVP, and strive to have service users meaningfully included in decision-making.
I decided to join so that I could represent the hundreds of women who come to my classes who don't have the time or inclination to join the MVP meetings. I think it's essential to have a range of professionals and service users at the table. From a personal perspective, I've found that it keeps me up-to-date with what's happening in maternity care.
A highlight of being a volunteer was designing a survey on Knowledge of labour and birth positions amongst expectant parents last year. It showed that there is a massive range of knowledge, with some people only see photos of how they might decide to move or be positioned. In my view, it's essential to get people trying different positions whilst pregnant so that they feel more able to choose what's more comfortable once they're in labour. It's about normalising being OFF the hospital bed!