Chair of Royal Berkshire MVP
Royal Berkshire Maternity Voices is recruiting for a new Chair to lead the organisation and continue the work of engaging with the local community and working with NHS maternity staff to improve local maternity services.
Emma our current chair has been chair of the MVP since 2018, leading us through the pandemic and achieving so much, improving maternioty services and building such strong working relationships with our RBH advocates. Sadly the time has come for Emma to focus on other roles and offer someone else the opportunity to build on her success, alongside the core MVP team.
This varied and interesting role is offered on a self-employed basis for 1-2 days a week with potential to expand hours depending on ongoing discussions with funders, with hours mostly flexible across five days. Remuneration is £20/hour plus all necessary out of pocket expenses.
The successful candidate will be able to work on their own initiative at a strategic level, managing a small team and working with a wide variety of stakeholders, and have personal experience of having used maternity services.
They will also be comfortable representing a wide variety of viewpoints to professional NHS colleagues as a “critical friend” and live within the Royal Berkshire Hospital catchment area.
Knowledge of the maternity sector and experience of working with budgets, social media, and public speaking is desirable but not essential.
The successful candidate will be supported to grow and upskill within role, through a number of support networks at local, regional and national levels.
To apply, watch the video (or download the transcript) read through the information pack and then email your CV and a letter of application to royalberkshiremvp@gmail.com
If you would like to have an informal chat about the role, email us to arrange. Suitable applicants will be interviewed on a rolling basis so apply as soon as possible.
Here's Emma with more information
A snapshot of 'being chair'